I can't believe another year has passed already...Josiah turned 12 earlier this week! And, in his classically Josiah-esque sense of humor, he informed me that this was the last year ever in his life that his age would be one syllable!
Craig and I took him to one of our favorite local breakfast spots, Cafe Hon.
Pure "Bawlmer" baby...where else could you find a beloved giant pink flamingo gracing the front door...and wall...and roof...
..and flamingos in every window :o)
We then grabbed Maia and went to hear Job give his senior speech at his high school. Very enjoyable experience, thought-provoking, funny yet sobering (dichotomous I know)...I was sick that I'd forgotten my real camera and had to take photos with the one on my phone. (I've gotta go through some gyrations to get the photos off the phone, so I'll add them when I can). Our good friends-like-family brothers Charity and Leon came out to support Job too.
Josiah hung out with me enjoying his day until it was time to pick up the little people from school. Montgomery was very excited about a cute jellyfish she'd made in class.
Very excited.
Really, very excited.
However, she did pause long enough to give her birthday brother a big hug...
And then it was back to new friend Jellyfish....
...which she then decided to dramatically call "dumb" and toss on the floor. Don't understand, not concerned :-)
We headed over and grabbed Johngideon from school next. He'd had a good day.
After a few errands...like to the grocery store to pick up the cake mix and frosting for the birthday cake -- oops! -- we swung into Josiah's idea of a great place for a snack, Subway! Grabbed a meatball marinara sub, his favorite item and headed home for some pure eatin' enjoyment!
Josiah REALLY likes meatball marinara subs!
No, really, I'm serious! :-)
When the entire clan made it back home, we swung into full birthday mode with Craig making a Josiah-style favorite dinner of loaded baked nachos, macaroni hamburger helper and fries and tater tots! Montgomery -- who likes to be extra very super "helpful" in the kitchen ;-) helped me decorate the double chocolate cake with chocolate chips on top. It was about then that I realized we only had 11 candles. I hadn't bought them in the store because I always keep extra at home (lots of birthdays to celebrate!). So, after a desperate and futile search we decided that twelve was such a momentous occasion that the cake needed a really big candle to mark it. It was really quite lovely...in an eclectic kind of way.
After MUCH thoughtful and lengthy wish-making (i.e. "Josiah, come on!" and "Hurry up, hurry up, the flames are almost in the frosting!")...
...and creative Ninja cake-slicing...
...we got down to the present opening!
Cards and gifts from Grandmas and parents are great!
But...the highlight gift of the evening was Josiah's much-longed-for and very-long-awaited CELL PHONE! Of course that came only from his beloved and can't-help-but-spoil-the-boy godmother Auntie Joanne.
Do you think he likes it?!
Couldn't help getting a few stylized shots of the lovely Bedford ladies...
Including Gommy the "blur." So many photos I take of her come out this way because this little girl is in CONSTANT motion! (Aside: keep a lookout for a "BlurBlog" Entry in the future...a compilation of my Gommy the Blur photos.)
Back to the original thought at hand...couldn't resist taking a stylized photo of their handsome oldest brother either....
...before Craig helped the youngest two enjoy opening the first door on the new Advent Calendar.

Looks like this birthday partyer finally needs to hit the sack!
Take Care. Much Love.
Happy Birthday Josiah!
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