Sunday, February 6, 2011

A Happy Place To Create...and Be Inspired

Johngideon has been excited for the past couple of weeks with the thought of starting a children's art class on Saturdays. His first class was yesterday, and I was a tad anxious because when we registered, his first choice class (creative construction) was full and he had to sign-up for a drawing class instead. Johngideon likes to do and I wasn't sure drawing for two and a half hours at a clip would hold his interest and I didn't want all that anticipatory crescendo-ing to come crashing down in a disappointing pile of reality. So...I hovered for a bit as the class began, trying to get a vibe for the teacher and what the students were about to do. Finally I rather reluctantly left the classroom.

I needn't have worried for a minute. Johngideon was glowing at the end of the class. He'd had a great time and eagerly showed me his newly created artwork by the wall. The class had been read a story about dragons and each created drawings based on their mental images of the story. Rather than drawing only, they'd created the dragons in their artwork as tissue paper collages. His dragon dominated his drawing and he was quite pleased with the end product. I loved it too!

I am so heart satisfied that he gets to spend a good chunk of time every week in such a wonderful environment created for the sole purpose of people having life space to be creative. What a wonderful treasure to be able to think uninterrupted creative thoughts, and have no agenda or objective other than to just let your creative energies flow for two and a half hours at a time. How peaceful and nourishing to his little soul. And, just look at what we pass on the way to his classroom...

...this awesome wall...

...and this awesome sculpture...

How goose-bumpingly creative! We are so blessed to have such opportunities in life. Thank you, God.

The teacher told him the class runs until April 9th. Somehow he heard August 9th, and was rather disappointed when I  provided the accurate ending date. He said..."well, I hope it goes until August 9th anyway!"

Even though I know better, I said "Me too!"   Ahhh...hope springs eternal!

Take care. Much love.

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